Our Constitution

Rules & Regulations

Our Constitution


Our Constitution

The Trained Nurses' Association of India (TNAI) is the national body of practitioners of Nursing at various levels. The main idea behind the establishment of the Association in1908 was to uphold in every way the dignity and honor of the Nursing profession and to promote team spirit, high standards of Health Care and Nursing Practice apart from enabling the members to represent their grievances and express their point of view to the concerned quarters in problematic situations. The stress is on orientating the members to the real needs of this noble profession, the routine activities of the Association are organized in such a way that those associated with it have a sense of participation in all the programmes of direct professional relevance along with treating the Association as a major source of inspiration and provider of little delights of life occasionally. While members at some of the Branches and Units are more active in their participation in the TNAI's activities than those at others, the Association has undoubtedly come to be recognized as a major link between the vast number of nurses in various parts of the country, and even some abroad.

The Government of India has recognized the Association as a service organization and a similar recognition by all the State Governments has been an asset to the promotion of the Association's objectives. The voice of the Association is accepted in most quarters as the voice of nurses in India, and resolutions adopted by it and presented to the various authorities are well received and generally accepted for implementation, sooner or later. The general improvement in living and service conditions of nurses over the years and the increase in salaries bear witness to the efforts of the TNAI and the attention paid by the Union and State Governments to its recommendations. Organizations like the Central Council of Health, the Indian Nursing Council and committees formed by official and non-official agencies to study the problems and prospects of Nursing, work in close collaboration with the Association.

The Association is an associate member of certain other Associations and Societies doing good work in their realms of concern. These societies are; Indian Red Cross Society, Indian Public Health Association, Association for Social Health, Indian Hospital Association, Federation of Delhi Hospital Welfare Societies, Tuberculosis Association of India and Indian Leprosy Association. It also takes part in the activities of important social organizations devoted to the welfare of women, especially National Council of Women in India, and All India Women's Conference. In its efforts to voice women cause, in February-March 2000 the Association had organized an International Women's Conference jointly with McMaster University Canada in Delhi attended by 489 delegates from 38 countries who deliberated on the theme “Women's Status: Vision and Reality”. The TNAIs membership of the International Council of Nurses (ICN) earlier offered many opportunities of extending our professional horizon to newer ideas. The ICN opened up many possibilities for nurses of India. Its “Nursing Abroad Programme” assisted Indian Nurses, as those in other parts of the world, in their work or study outside their countries. TNAI is affiliated with the Commonwealth Nurses' Federation, which has been fruitful in many ways. The Federation is doing a lot for the advancement of Nursing as a profession and its guidelines for the national associations have been of great value.

Title, Philosophy, Objectives and Functions

The name of the Association shall be: The Trained Nurses' Association of India Chhattisgarh state branch


The Trained Nurses' Association of India believes that good health is a fundamental right of every person and that it is the responsibility of the health profession, including Nursing, to provide the kind of health care, which will give each individual in society every opportunity to achieve optimum health. As a professional person each nurse is ethically and morally responsible for giving the required care to each individual to the best of her/his ability. The profession as a whole, through the Trained Nurses' Association of India, is, therefore obliged to help in every way to uphold these high standards and to promote the preparation of each nurse so that one is qualified to give the required preparation of each nurse so that one is qualified to give the required care. Finally, it is the belief of the Trained nurses’ Association of India that each nurse is a member of the society and is entitled to the same individual rights, privileges, and the goals of physical, mental, economic and social development as are available to other members of the society. The profession is responsible to give such assistance as may be necessary to achieve these goals.


The objectives for which the Association is established are:

  • To uphold in every way the dignity and honor of the nursing profession and to promote a sense of esprit de corps among all nurses.
  • To promote high standards of health care and nursing practice.
  • To advance professional, educational, economic and general welfare of nurses.


  • To establish functions, standards and qualifications for nursing practice.
  • To enunciate standards of nursing education and implement these through appropriate channels.
  • To enunciate standards of nursing service and implement these through appropriate channels.
  • To establish a code of ethical conduct for practitioners.
  • To stimulate and promote research designed to increase the knowledge on which the practice of Nursing is based.
  • To promote legislation and to speak for nurses in regard to legislative action.
  • To promote and protect the economic welfare of nurses.
  • To provide professional counselling and placement service for nurses.
  • To provide for the continuing professional development of practitioners.
  • To represent nurses and serve as their spokesman with allied national and international organizations, governmental and other bodies and the public.
  • To serve as the official representative of the trained nurses of India as member of the International Council of Nurses (whenever possible).
  • To promote the general health and welfare of the public through the Association programmes, relationships and activities.


(The existing Rules and Regulations, as recommended by the TNAI Council, at its meeting held at New Delhi in November 1980, and as adopted in the meeting of the House of Delegates held at Jaipur in October 1981 and subsequently amended at Cuttack in January 1990 and Chennai in September 1997 and Imphal 1999).

  1. Name and Objects:

    The name and objects of the Association are as set out in the Memorandum of the Association. The Association is non-political and non-sectarian.

  2. Patron and Vice-Patrons:

    The President of the Republic of India or his wife or Vice-President of India or Chief Justice of India or Speaker of Lok Sabha shall be invited to be Patron of the Association during the term of their office. The Governing Body of the Association, hereafter mentioned as the Council, may invite Governors of the States or the Union Territories of India, their wives or other distinguished holders of offices at the Centre or State levels or in public life of the country other than politicians to be Vice-Patron.

  3. President and Vice-Presidents:

    Members of the Association who form the House of Delegates shall elect at a General Meeting, one of the full members of the Association to be the President. Three other full members of the Association shall be elected as Vice-Presidents (First, Second and Third Vice-Presidents). Out of the three Vice-Presidents, one Vice-President shall be from the place at which the headquarters is located. The term of office in each case shall be four years. The President shall not be eligible for re-election as President and/or for any other TNAI office, but shall be ex-officio member of the Council for one more term. Vacancies between General Meeting shall be filled by the Council at its discretion.

  4. Membership:

    The Association shall consist of Patron, Vice-Patron and members. Members shall be of the following categories:

    • Full Members:

      A full members is a person who is a registered nurse fully trained from an institution recognized by the Indian Nursing Council and holds a certificate of training issued by a Registration Council or Board of Examinations recognized by the Indian Nursing Council.

    • Associate Members:

      The following shall be eligible for Associate Membership: L.H.Vs, A.N.Ms/Health Workers, Midwives and Registered Dais who are interested in the furtherance of the objectives of the Association as laid down in the Constitution of the Association or the rules and regulations framed there under.

    • Affiliate Members:

      Nursing students of all categories and members of other Nursing organization shall be eligible for Affiliate Membership.

    • Institutional Membership:

      Any institute or organization with similar objectives and philosophy as that of the TNAI shall be eligible for membership.

    • Honorary Fellows:

      The council shall select members of the Association who have rendered service of a very high order to the cause of nursing and confer on them honorary fellowships of TNAI. Associate and Affiliate Members shall be entitled to vote only on matters affecting their own section.